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dub-describe - Prints a JSON description of the project and its dependencies


dub describe [<package>[@<version-spec>]] OPTIONS...


Prints a JSON build description for the root package an all of their dependencies in a format similar to a JSON package description file. This is useful mostly for IDEs.

All usual options that are also used for build/run/generate apply.

When --data=VALUE is supplied, specific build settings for a project will be printed instead (by default, formatted for the current compiler).

The --data=VALUE option can be specified multiple times to retrieve several pieces of information at once. A comma-separated list is also acceptable (ex: --data=dflags,libs). The data will be output in the same order requested on the command line.

The accepted values for --data=VALUE are:

main-source-file, dflags, lflags, libs, linker-files, source-files, versions, debug-versions, import-paths, string-import-paths, import-files, options

The following are also accepted by --data if --data-list is used:

target-type, target-path, target-name, working-directory, copy-files, string-import-files, pre-generate-commands, post-generate-commands, pre-build-commands, post-build-commands, pre-run-commands, post-run-commands, requirements


-b, --build=VALUE
Specifies the type of build to perform. Note that setting the DFLAGS environment variable will override the build type with custom flags. Possible names: debug, plain, release, release-debug, release-nobounds, unittest, profile, profile-gc, docs, ddox, cov, cov-ctfe, unittest-cov, unittest-cov-ctfe, syntax and custom types
-c, --config=VALUE
Builds the specified configuration. Configurations can be defined in dub.json
Uses the specified configuration for a certain dependency. Can be specified multiple times. Format: --override-config=/
Specifies the compiler binary to use (can be a path). Arbitrary pre- and suffixes to the identifiers below are recognized (e.g. ldc2 or dmd-2.063) and matched to the proper compiler type: dmd, gdc, ldc, gdmd, ldmd
-a, --arch=VALUE
Force a different architecture (e.g. x86 or x86_64)
-d, --debug=VALUE
Define the specified `debug` version identifier when building - can be used multiple times
Define the specified `version` identifier when building - can be used multiple times. Use sparingly, with great power comes great responsibility! For commonly used or combined versions and versions that dependees should be able to use, create configurations in your package.
Do not resolve missing dependencies before building
Specifies the way the compiler and linker are invoked. Valid values: separate (default), allAtOnce, singleFile
Treats the package name as a filename. The file must contain a package recipe comment.
Deprecated option that does nothing.
[Experimental] Filter version identifiers and debug version identifiers to improve build cache efficiency.
Shortcut for --data=import-paths --data-list
Shortcut for --data=string-import-paths --data-list
Just list the values of a particular build setting, either for this package alone or recursively including all dependencies. Accepts a comma-separated list. See above for more details and accepted possibilities for VALUE.
Output --data information in list format (line-by-line), instead of formatting for a compiler command line.
Output --data information using null-delimiters, rather than spaces or newlines. Result is usable with, ex., xargs -0.


See dub(1)


DUB succeeded
usage errors, unknown command line flags
package not found, package failed to load, miscellaneous error


dub.sdl, dub.json


Copyright (c) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation



dub(1), dub-generate(1)

Last update: September 4, 2023
Created: September 1, 2023